Monday, April 18, 2011


Okie dokey! I'm back today!! :3
Today Hui Wei came overrr and taught me how to do the lotus! *sparklesparkle*

Okay so it was my first time and I kinda screw up a LOT of the petals but at least I learned how to do it!
Today school was okay I guess..
It was kind of normal. and like nyeh.
That's all!
Will update soon!

Here are my ♥♥s!
You who reads this

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Nyeeehhhhhh! Today I spent my whole afternoon doing my stupid homework! I finally finished my Malay homework! >-<
I don't think I'll update much, going out to get my canvas! >w<
I feel like drawing all a of sudden, but I feel so uninspired. If any of you peopleee there have any drawing requests for me, please do inform me! I'll do them :D

Here are my ♥♥s!
You who reads this

Friday, April 15, 2011

Screw this thing

Screw this messed up blog! I'll get it organised soon. Hopefully =.=
I give up on the other posts. From TODAY on, I SHALL try to update my blog at least weekly.
And I know that no one reads this (:

Anyways, just to update you if you actually DO read this.
I'm currently sick with cough and I died internally for my Malay monthly test.
People were doing their oral presentation and I was sadly coughing half the time and couldn't concentrate ):
I wanted to throw my dad's camera memory card away for not letting me get the video.
I wish I had more time to doodle and write stories again.

I guess that's all I have O____O..

Here are my ♥♥s!
You who reads this