Monday, February 27, 2012


Honestly, I just think that sometimes time passes by, ever too fast.
You always see people rushing past a bush full of roses, but no one willing to stop to indulge in its aroma.
People have to stop and smell the roses, close their eyes to imagine a new horizon and spread their wings across the blue sky.
I have no idea what I'm babbling about now, but hopefully one day, I would.

Honestly, a lot has happened, many dramas involved, but, end of the day, the story will be told in the way you want it to be told. Although many things won't happen or may happen unexpectedly. As I sing a song, I bid my previous love goodbye, and hello to a new one!

Ahh, the sky is crying again, and I feel like doing it too!

♥ Breathing in every moment with you!
♥ 240211
♥ Youu!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


It's only been a week of school, and I feel like as if I've been in there for an eternityyy! D:
Anyways, it's my last year in Sec School! I'm really excited to graduate and stuff but,
Thinking about it, you'd really wanna make a lot of memories during your last year right?
That's what I'm gonna do!
Andd, I will work reallyreally hard to improve my results too! <- Somehow :D
Nyehh, I haven't eaten lunch, so I'm actually quite hungry now.
I'll leave you at this! :D

♥ Youu!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's finally back?

It's finally the last day of my holiday, RAWRR! I want more holidays :(
Well! Today I went back to school to get my Form 5 textbooks with Hui Wei and help Ms Winnie do that supersuper *eye pain* PINK background board! And myyyy the colours will make my eyes bleed!
Realizing, time just passes in a blink of an eye.
It's finally my last year in SMK Damansara Jaya!
Thinking about it, it seems like just yesterday I was in Form 1, wanting to graduate!
Sigh, but then again.. It's my SPM Year! I'm gonna have to work reallyreally hard!

♥ Youu!